People Chemistry performs assessments of organizational structure and recommends modifications to resolve conflicts and optimize organizational function. This process includes:
People Chemistry provides seminars and workshops to train staff in the consensus building principles of the People Chemistry model for mission planning and execution. Seminar topics are chosen according to their relevance to a client’s organizational needs and focus on the consensus building principles of the PC model in different contexts.
During workshops, participants practice developing their own Behavior Attribute Profiles and applying them to forming mission teams according to practice applications. In order to maximize participant benefit, practice missions are chosen that pioneer new ground for a relevant hypothetical case (e.g. developing a new market application for a hypothetical, yet relevant company product). The respective teams then practice applying the recommended sequence of engagement of their personality types during mission planning and execution. A key focus of this exercise is training the group on how to leverage the mediator’s role to efficiently develop effective consensus that facilitates a more successful mission outcome.
Each participant then prepares a written assessment of their role in the sequence, as well as for each of the other team members in their respective roles. The team then reviews each step in the sequence to discuss:
Lastly, all precipitants meet to review the results of each team’s experience.
Consulting sessions are also provided to help resolve dysfunction in existing mission teams, or other staff relationships.
People Chemistry provides seminars and workshops to train staff in conflict resolution based on principles of the primary and secondary People Chemistry models.
Seminar topics are presented according to their relevance to a client’s organizational needs.
During workshops, each participant is asked to generate their Behavior Attribute Profile and is then introduced to several controversial topics, relevant to the client’s workplace. Participants are asked to privately rank these topics according to their level of interest and express their initial position on each topic. This information together with the BAP of each participant is used to form workgroups around each topic and a leader is selected for each workgroup based on a strong mediator BAP. Each workgroup member is then given the anonymous PC profiles of the other group members and asked to privately define what they believe to be the legitimate expectations of each member and themselves based on the principles of the primary and secondary PC models. When each group comes together, each member:
After each member has given their presentation to their group, the group then discusses the controversial issue and its resolution. If the group has difficulty resolving the conflict, the group leader can then apply the consensus building principles of the primary model according to the groups CPT to see to what degree consensus on the matter can be achieved. Lastly, all participants meet to review the results of each team’s experience.
Consulting sessions are also provided to help resolve conflicts in existing mission teams, or other staff relationships.
As organizations develop, there are often key points where a significant shift in culture can occur, such as when a company:
Application of People Chemistry principles can help prepare an organization for the vulnerabilities these shifts in organizational culture can create, and minimize their negative impact. Lack of attention to this important matter can result in a once dominant company in a given market, becoming irrelevant and insolvent.
People Chemistry offers seminars and workshops to the following professionals to introduce the relationship between People Chemistry Behavior Attribute Profiles and career choice:
These principles can be applied to guiding students through course selections at the secondary and college level. They can also be applied to designing curricula that better focuses on students needs based on trends in Behavior Attribute Profiles and job market forecasts.
People Chemistry also offers consulting services to individuals seeking guidance in education and career choices. A BAP is developed for a client and used to offer guidance to the sector, job function and likely career path that their profile would suggest would most likely achieve a satisfying work-life balance. This guidance can be used to plan education choices, accordingly.
People Chemistry provides consulting services to individuals seeking to improve the following personal and professional relationships:
BAPs are developed for the client and estimated for the other relevant parties. Legitimate expectations for each party are discussed based on the principles of the primary and secondary PC models to identify relationship gaps. Strategies are discussed to close these gaps, including the identification of mutually trusted individuals that would be able to mediate areas of conflict, as needed.
People Chemistry offers the following consulting and planning services for societal development.
People Chemistry can assemble expert teams to assess the tangible resources of a society and propose a strategy for their profitable development in a democratic context. Such programs are more likely to progress and succeed if they have broad societal support. In collaboration with its partners, People Chemistry can survey societal interest to measure the level of support for a proposed program. The People Chemistry model can also be applied at a societal level to develop consensus among societal interest groups regarding related goals and approach.
A key factor in winning societal support for a societal resource development project is the generation of a societal development plan that informs the public of how profits from such a project will benefit them whether it is through job creation, public infrastructure development, etc. People Chemistry can assemble an expert team to survey public opinion on such matters and develop a plan that is likely to have broad societal support.
Please contact us for a more information of how we can address your respective training and consultation needs []